We are Hunter. Creative branding agency for Sydney's ambitious founders, venture capitalists and private equity firms.
We’ve launched successful startups like Sydney’s very own Vodka Soda &. We scale fast growth businesses like Sourci. And we help revitalise and sell brands like Hubbards.
FEATURED ARTICLE / THE MAKING OF... SERIES The making of... Foodpreneurs Festival.
CPG founders have it hard with a zillion Start-Up hoops to jump through. But there’s hope in the shape of Sydney’s CPG Industry legend, Chelsea Ford.
Start up
Now you've got your minimum viable product (MVP), it's time to think about your minimum viable brand (MVB).
Despite what the marketing and branding books say, we know first-hand that all Start-Ups are fundamentally different. Some are already well-versed in a particular category and have found a gap they know they can fill. Whereas others, simply jump in guns blazing on a passionate hunch.
Whichever way you get there, it's vital that you road-test your idea before fully committing budget to any major branding work. This is why we recommend reading The Mom Test, by Rob Fitzpatrick and also Hunter's guide to… a minimum viable brand for Start-Ups.
A new 'logo' and 'brand refresh' are two of the most common design requests we receive from entrepreneurs with fast-growing businesses looking to scale up.
Whilst budget and cash flow are no longer a constraint, founders will typically underestimate how much time, effort, and involvement is required from them to achieve a successful modern consumer-facing brand.
As daunting as this might sound; following a strategic planning process, being open and honest, and having a collaborative mindset are just some of the things that will help you get there. Want to learn more? Here's our top-line guide to managing your team through the process.
Google 'brand reboot' and depending where you're located (we work across Auckland, London, Melbourne, and Wellington) you'll get 100 million+ results. However, the million-dollar marketing question is 'what's the reason behind your brand reboot'?
Whilst non-marketers might see brand reboots as superficial (logos, colours, fonts, illustrations, photography, and design collateral), smart marketers understand it's a far bigger strategic and creative opportunity to deliver real change for the business.
Whether you're part of a new senior leadership team or an entrepreneur taking on the old world regime, it's important not to sell yourself short. If you want real change, check out Let My People Go Surfing, by Yvon Chouinard.